Mike and Key
Amateur Radio Club
About the Club

The Mike and Key is open to all persons interested in Amateur Radio, whether licensed or not. The Club currently consists of approximately 300 members. Membership applications may be obtained from the Vice-President at the General Membership meeting or on-line from the "members" menu option. Applications are submitted to the Board for review and, upon approval, presented to the general membership for final election. Dues are $20 yearly. Family Memberships are $30 for multi-member households.

Official Club Address

The Club maintains a Post Office box as its established mailing address. Please direct all correspondence to this address and it should be used for all official Club business. The address is:

Mike & Key ARC
P.O. Box 4234
Renton, WA 98057-4234

Club Call - K7LED

Formerly the call of our founder "Pop" Brown, the Club requested and received the call K7LED. The call is reserved for Club operations and repeaters. The call may be used by members for special events after receiving permission of the Radio Officer and a copy of the Club License.

American Radio Relay League

The Mike & Key is an affiliated club of the ARRL and Northwest Division ARRL.

Special Service Club Logo

In addition, the Club has Special Service Club status which entails specific benefits and responsibilities towards the Amateur Community. 
All members are encouraged to become members of the League.

ARRL Special Service Club Award, 2020 to 2022

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