Mike and Key
Amateur Radio Club
M&K Videoa & Podcasta
Some recommended videos and podcasts

Alan Wolke, W2AEW - Great videos that are mainly tutorial in nature, dealing with basic electronics, circuit design and analysis, test & measurement, and ham radio.

Mr. Carlson's Lab - Great instructional videos on electronics and ham radio topics.

Ham Radio Crash Course (HRCC) has evolved into a rapidly growing community of radio enthusiasts, that are excited to grow in the hobby, and help others grow as well.

Ham Nation - Share in the excitement and importance of ham radio - from tossing an antenna wire into a tree allowing you to talk to the world, to the importance of ham radio operators in time of disasters

Space Weather Woman by Dr Tamitha Skov - she is a space weather physicist and want to open your world to a new kind of weather that's becoming important to our daily lives. Great info dealing with solar weather and its impact on RF propagation.

Ham Radio Workbench - A fun & Educational ham radio podcast.

How to contact us:

If you have any questions about education & training committee or would like to get involved, then please feel free to drop us a line at: info@mikeandkey.org


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