Mike and Key
Amateur Radio Club
M&K Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning Committee

Welcome to the Mike & Key Strategic Planning Committee web page.

Per our Club’s bylaws, the Strategic Planning Committee is one of
four essential committees. Its purpose is defined as follows:

  1. Responsible for long-range (5 years and above) and short term
    high-level organizational planning for the Club as a whole
  2. Develop the Club vision, mission, goals, and objectives that
    complement the Constitution and Bylaws
  3. Track and report Club performance towards established goals
    and objectives
  4. Provide recommendations toward maintaining established Club
  5. Provide limited process analysis and reporting support for
    other committees and subgroups

We typically meet several times per year via Zoom and will use the "Strategic Planning" Zoom
connection parameters identified within the following Groups.IO message = Strategic Planning Zoom.

How to contact us:

If you have any questions about Strategic Planning Committee or would like to get involved, then please
feel free to drop us a line at: info@mikeandkey.org

Strategic Planning Approach

In 2022 we developed a strategic plan for the Club, trying to scheme big and outside the box, but within
reasonable limits. For the short term we recommended to pursue 3-4 items that may be accomplished step-by-step
in a 2-3 year time frame. Implementation of these recommendations would be delegated to individual committees,
but some would require collaboration by multiple committees in form of a working group. The Activities Manager
and other Officers would be involved as well. Another set of recommendations should be worked at the Board level.

Membership Development and Talent Activation

Mike and Key membership grew significantly over the last few years. We would like to see this trend continue with
demographic spread (especially youth participation) and diversity. While there is a very wide talent base among
our members, we have not yet succeeded with tapping into this wealth of knowledge to the extent possible. Specific
expertise and interests can be gleaned from the data submitted on membership application forms.

We need to follow up on those interests and find ways to increase enthusiasm for members to participate in
committee work or other activities. Towards this goal it may be beneficial to meet with standing committees
to see where there is mutual interest. Trustees may want to work with Committee Chairs to provide some ideas
and guidance.

New Club Events

We already have three major annual Club events: Swap Meet, Field Day and the Summer Picnic. However, in between
these events we may want to have smaller activities that require less planning but provide opportunities to get
Club members out and have a great time together. One such idea would be to create a Mike and Key in the Park
series. Other options include organizing transmitter (fox) hunts, participation in JOTA and POTA events, or
Winter Field Day. These activities could be organized by the Activities Manager with strong support from
multiple committees, or in some cases by individual members or groups of members who wish to take the lead.

Emergency Communications

Several Club members are already involved with various organizations that provide emergency communications and
related support services. However, we as a Club are not presently active or organized this way. Our members are
spread out over a large part of the greater Puget Sound region, so local contacts in their areas may be considered
more important. While Club members may want to explore how to integrate with local groups, the Club should
consider setting up a central source of information and coordination.

At minimum our Club should coordinate the development of basic skills: Learn how to prepare for emergencies;
put together a grab-and-go box; setup portable communications; run a net or use simplex communications in a
structured form. It was also suggested that Club members may want to get a GMRS license to allow for alternate
ways of radio communications.

Outreach Options

It may be beneficial for our Club to engage in outreach activities at science fairs or local festivals. This would
provide an opportunity to showcase amateur radio in general, create interest in our Club, and get Club members
engaged. Suitable attractions in the STEM and/or EmComm theme could be centered around digital and/or satellite
communications, and a GOTA station in a public setting.

Outreach activities could be combined with public service events, such as Sea Fair, or at venues like the Museum of
Flight, Pacific Science Center, or Kent Cornucopia Days, just to name a few. We could contact organizers of these
events to discuss options for setting up as a nonprofit organization. In preparation, the Club would need to create a
tandardized logistics plan, promotional materials adjusted for specific demographics, banners, and a fold-up canopy.
Some of these items may exist already. Others may have to be purchased.

Club Station

In the longer term it would be nice if we had a Club station, ideally with remote access. It could be used by those
members who have limited space for antennas at home. A mobile, trailer-based station may be an option that could
also serve as an EmComm hub, as a focal point at public events, and as an operating position at Field Day.

Specific Recommendations as Short-term Goals

The following recommendations should be pursued to meet short-term goals:

  1. Create new Club events to get people together, as described above
  2. Establish an EmComm Working Group
  3. Establish an Outreach Working Group

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