Mike and Key ARC Elmer Coordinator List
What's an Elmer? An Elmer is an experienced ham who mentors beginners or the less experienced, advancing their knowledge in a personal way, usually with much hands-on radio operation and oversight. Finding a good Elmer can be a huge advantage for rapidly moving ahead with your amateur radio acumen. Finding the right Elmer for you can sometimes be a challenge, but engaging a local ham radio club can often provide fertile hunting grounds. Investigate any local clubs in your area, attend a few meetings, meet the hams and inquire about classes, learning, and Elmering. If there is a good fit, you will usually know it intuitively.
The term "Elmer" meaning someone who provides personal guidance and
assistance to would-be hams--first appeared in QST in a March 1971 "How's DX" column by Rod
Newkirk, W9BRD (now also VA3ZBB). Newkirk called them "the unsung fathers of Amateur Radio."
If you have a questions, please email info@mikeandkey.org.
Elmer Coordinator
Digital Data Modes
Phil Pia, K7PIA
Mark Holt, W7EAZ
Mark Holt, W7EAZ
HF Operation
Phil Pia, K7PIA
Equipment, Antennas, and best HF operating practices
New Members
Dick Radford, WA7NIW
Getting started, equipment selection and operation
Mike Deal, N7URH
QRP (Low Power Transmission)
Mark Holt, W7EAZ
Low power operation, design and construction
Stations, Equipment
Dick Lundstrom, W7INK
Station setup, equipment selection, antennas, digital
VHF/UHF Operation
Hal Goodell, N7NW
6 meters and up; moon bounce, meteor scatter