Mike and Key
Amateur Radio Club
M&K Swap
The Mike & Key ARC
Online Swap Page
Contents:   [For Sale] | [For Trade] | [Wanted]

Go to the input form to enter item For Sale, For Trade, or Wanted. After a short review, items may be added to this web page.  Include a location, phone number and/or e-mail for others to contact you directly. 

NOTE: Items will be removed after 120 days from Posted date.

If any of the below items have sold, or item is no longer needing to be listed, please notify us at info@mikeandkey.org -- this page will then be updated accordingly.

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This page is ordered in reverse creation date, most recent entry on top.

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For Sale: 

For Sale : POTA Helper #1

I have two of these POTA helpers that can be used for a ham stick, telescoping whip, or to tie in a wire antenna. This can be staked to the ground or, using the post, attached to a camera tripod or light stand with a 1/4"-20 screw. If you are interested we can meet up in the Renton area.

Contact: David Okrent - W7DAO, Phone:
Price: $26.00
Location: Seattle
Posted: 2025-03-25
  Expires: 2025-07-23

For Sale : Vectronics HFT1500 Tuner

I have a Vectronics HFT1500 tuner for sale I am the second owner. It has some light scratches and the first owner engraved drivers license number on the top cover. It works flawlessly no issues, just got a new tuner so this one has got to go.! asking $95.



Contact: Scott McDonald - KF7HEZ, Phone: 360-989-4710
Price: $95
Location: KENT
Posted: 2025-01-28
  Expires: 2025-05-28

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For Trade: 

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Desperate for a tube test, or tester! . I only have 3 dozen tubes. I would be willing to pay someone to test them. Or maybe trade for the tester. I live in Sequim, but I would drive to Seattle. Could afford to buy if the tester is decent, and would test all the tubes I have. The tubes are from a Collins KWM-2, a Collins 75S-3, and a Collins 32S-3. Perhaps you might loan it? I am a pre-founder of the club!

Contact: Dale Fiorillo - K7MPZ, Phone: 3602079313
Location: Sequim, near Port Angeles, Olympic Peninsula, East of Tokyo.
Posted: 2025-02-19
  Expires: 2025-06-19

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