Mike and Key
Amateur Radio Club

Electronic Terms and Glossary

For a list of Electronic Terms and Glossary, click Glossary.

Watts <> dBm <> Volts Converter

This calculator converts between watts, dBm, volts and dBmV.

Select the Impedance then enter any one of the other parameters below and the rest will be calculated automatically

Impedance (Ω):  50ΩCommon in RF and Microwave Systems
75ΩCommon in TV and Video Systems
600ΩCommon in Audio Systems
Custom Value
milli Watts (mW):
Watts (W):
VPeak: Assuming a sine wave
VP-P: Assuming a sine wave
dBmV: dB relative to 1mV RMS. Often used in the cable TV industry and only valid in 75Ω systems

RF values:

  0   1Exact by definition of dBm
  3   23 dBm is actually 1.995 mW but that's near enough for most practical purposes
 10  10Exact
 +3  X 2Adding 3 to the power in dBm is the same as multiplying the power in Watts by two (actually 1.995 but that's near enough for most practical purposes)
+10 X 10Adding 10 the the power in dBm is exactly the same as multiplying the power in Watts by 10

Voltage Divider Resistance Calculator

voltage divider

Enter any of the three values and then click the Calculate button.

Vin = Input voltage
Vout =
Output voltage

Input voltageVin: V
Resistance R1: Ω
Resistance R2: Ω
Output voltageVout: V

Yagi Antenna Calculator


Freq. [MHz]


Boomlength [m]


Gain [dBd] (approx.)




Diameter of parasitic Elements [mm]


Diameter of Boom [mm]


Is the boom isolated from parasitics ?

    yes   no


Note : These results are optimised for gain. However, if the parasitics differ much from 0.4 ±0.05 * λ or the gain is larger than 16 dBd you should become distrustful.

Dipole Antenna Calculator

Dipole Antenna
Frequency MHz
Halfwave (L) m ft
Quarterwave (E) m ft

How to contact us:

If you have any questions about education & training committee or would like to get involved, then please feel free to drop us a line at: info@mikeandkey.org


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