Learning Morse Code
The mike and Key ARC held a class to introduce interested members to computer based learning tools for CW (Morse Code). This page summarizes the presentation and provides links to the material discussed.
There was a brief discussion about study methods noting that there are many different approaches described on different web sites.  The instructors recommended a short daily study period of no more than 10 to 15 minutes as being more effective than fewer, longer study periods.
There are also multiple programs available for computer aided code learning.  The computer program recommended for beginning learning CW is a morse tutor program that can be downloaded.  It is simple to download and operate. It has a graphical interface to show your learning progress.
Other sites to find additional information on Learning Morse Code:
- The online book "The Art of Radio-telegraphy" is a manual for
learning, using, mastering and enjoying the International Morse Code
as a means of communication by William G. Pierpont, N0HFF.
- FIST CW Club (The International Morse Preservation Society) offers much detail about learning CW.
- A site that contains literally hundreds of links and other resources for learning or mastering CW is at: http://www.ac6v.com/morseprograms.php .
- Another program mentiond is Chuck Adam's, K7QO, Code Course at http://www.k7qo.net/
- Sigurd, LB3KB, created a program that makes it easy to learn the code. The basic methods used to achieve this are Koch's method and Farnsworth timing. To learn more about his program and to download the program for use, visit his web site at Just Learn Morse Code
- Morse Mania - is a program available for Macintosh computers.
- Timeline of the telegraph.
- And of course, don't forget that ARRL is a great resource for learning CW.
For those members desiring to enhance their CW speed, it was recommended to try morse runner. It will simulate contesting conditions. It has settings for the copy speed, QRN, QRM, QSB, activity level (1 to a pileup), and other parameters.
Code Practice:
- CW speed practice, there is a 10 meter net on Tuesdays and Thursdays on 28.400 MHz at 8:00PM where the participants break up into pairs after an initial check-in period on USB and practice CW. Listen for this net if you are interested.
- W1AW Morse Code Practice is available via ARRL Web using Audio Files. Click here for the practice files. The practice files include the same text used for W1AW's regular code practice transmissions. The files are updated after W1AW broadcasts them. The Standard method is used for code speeds above 18 WPM. For code speeds below 18 WPM, Farnsworth method is used. The Web Morse practice follows the same format used by W1AW code practice transmissions. The practice text comes from QST magazine.